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TGR story of a game

Photo du rédacteur: Maxence vachéMaxence vaché

Dernière mise à jour : 13 mars 2020

The big story is made of little stories

L'auto-chenille Citroën Kegresse B2

TGR, The Great Race is a project that started over 10 years ago. At that time

I drew the prototypes at a frightening speed my poor testers nicknamed me Lucky Lude, the man who prototypes faster than his shadow. Needless to say, not everything was good. I came across a subject and hop I prototyped.

un petit extrait de mes protos et projets jeux

That's how after watching a documentary on Citroën cruises. I started to document myself. Then passion was born. An incredible journey:

Crossed continents, Asia, Africa

Expert teams: pilots, mechanics, cartographers, scientists ...

Himalayan passes over 4500 m above sea level

Diplomatic unrest (blocked vehicles, confiscation of passports, border crossing prohibited ...)

Impassable or nonexistent paths

Fully dismountable vehicles, each piece weighing less than 50 kg (to be carried on a man's back)

Pharaonic budgets (hundreds of sherpas, liters of fuel for spare parts ...)

A media campaign followed with passion by an entire nation

All the ingredients were there to make a game. And that's what I did.

C'etait long, mais long !
La première carte de la croisière jaune

The first part of the yellow cruise was epic: 6 hours of games, 6 players, mechanics piled up to finish and yet, at the end, the fun was there. The following versions have been improved, simplified. The project was abandoned, put back on the table until it was presented to two publishers in 2013. One of them will sign a contract for us. The game knows many evolutions then stagnates during 5 years. Meanwhile the publishing market has evolved, which will mark the end of the contractual relationship with the publisher.

We still think that the game that we liked so much deserves to exist. In agreement with the publisher, we decided to take back our baby and give birth to him in the form of a kickstarter.

The next steps are essential for us:

Printing of a series of professional prototypes to test the game in associations

  • Adaptations and corrections based on feedback from testers

  • Launch of the campaign in spring 2020

  • Lots of happy players who will share our passion

You have questions? Comments ? Suggestions ? Let us know and don't forget to share.

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Jean-claude Quoineaud
Jean-claude Quoineaud
2019년 12월 25일

C'est une superbe idée, d'une formidable histoire que les jeunes générations ne connaissent pas. Donc le jeu sera, non seulement ludique mais aussi culturel, historique et éducatif ..... André Citroën a inventé le concept du Paris-Dakar ..... en 1920 !! Il a été novateur et que dire des équipages ... des héros ! Allez y, foncez.

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